Maritime Monitoring, Control and Surveillance

RSIPV Tata undergoes maintenance.*

An estimated 40 percent of the Pacific fishing catch is now being stolen through illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing.


The FSM will soon receive its second Pacific patrol replacement vessel from Australia and four patrol craft from Japan. PePP can provide more comprehensive patrolling using just three vessels operating under its innovative Naval Auxiliary Transport, Asset Recovery, and Surveillance (NAVATARS) concept of operations. Without cost to Pacific Island governments, PEPP's innovative NAVATARS patrol program will enable them to enforce their Exclusive Economic Zones more comprehensively.  This will not only spur greater compliance with their licensing and registration requirements and laws and regulations, preserving fish stocks and deterring IUU fishing, but help to prevent human trafficking, narcotics smuggling, and marine pollution.


PEPP is also developing a training program for observers to serve aboard purse seiners and long-line fishing vessels, in order to meet the regulatory needs of the fishing industry and the goals of responsible fisheries management. PEPP does not hire observers, but it can provide observer apprenticeship training and journeymen retraining. Importantly, by providing proper training and timely retraining, and conducting periodic background and lifestyle checks, PEPP can help to assure the integrity of the observer program.

*Photo courtesy of Agra@en.wikipedia.

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